Archivos mensuales: octubre 2024

UP4HEALTH Connects at NEXUS 2024: Building Sustainable Partnerships

The UP4HEALTH project recently participated in the third edition of NEXUS, held at Baluarte, aimed at enhancing collaboration between companies and agents of SINAI (Navarre’s R&D&I System). This event served as an excellent platform for connecting with European initiatives through pitching sessions, exploring potential consortium opportunities, and gaining insights into the European Commission's work plan

Por |2024-10-21T10:47:51+00:00octubre 21st, 2024|News|Sin comentarios

Unlocking the potential of almond by products

The development of sustainable food production practices is becoming a pressing issue due to the increase in food production to satisfy the demands of a growing population. Crucial to this matter is the management of the waste materials derived from the agricultural industry, which has generated great interest in developing strategies to utilize agri-food byproducts

Por |2024-10-17T12:28:31+00:00octubre 17th, 2024|News|Sin comentarios
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