ISANATUR is approaching the final year of the project with high hopes for the work that has been done so far. A lot of effort has been put into each work package to achieve the best possible ingredients.
During this time, ISANATUR has successfully improved the bio-based functional ingredients to meet the expectations of theend-users and will continue to do so until the end. Every day, ISANATUR plans better ways to improve antioxidants, reduce the granulometry for certain ingredients, or increase solubility.
The company is in constant communication with all project partners and aims to anticipate all possible improvements and meet the real needs of the members.
The enormous help and collaboration from the European Union in this type of project enables technologically advanced companies like ISANATUR to develop their products sustainably for the benefit of the world population.
By the month of April, all second-row samples had been sent and many of them had already been analyzed. Some are showing great promising results, while the rest are being tested to determine if any changes are necessary.
In the next few months, ISANATUR will need to collect all the information obtained regarding the manufacturing of all the ingredients in order to translate it into a pre-industrial process. ISANATUR is not alone in this endeavor, as all project members are working together to achieve the best results in their respective fields, for the benefit of the entire project.
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