
Nuria Valdes

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Hasta ahora Nuria Valdes ha creado 9 entradas de blog.

The University of Vigo (UVigo) is working on a strategy to reduce food wastes and advancing on biowaste tests

Researchers from the Nutrition and Bromatology Group led by the Professor Dr. Jesús Simal Gándara at UVigo are evaluating by-products from olive oil, wine, and nut production to transform them into natural and healthy ingredients for nutraceutical, cosmetic and food applications in the context of the UP4health project. By-products generated during extraction of olive

Por |2023-09-12T08:03:25+00:00febrero 15th, 2023|blog, News|Sin comentarios

Olives, the source of “liquid gold,” offer more riches to unlock

Olive oil is a multibillion-euro global business and Manuel Román is determined to create an even bigger market from the sacred ancient fruit. Román is co-founder of ISANATUR, a Spanish company that has built a refinery able to turn every part of an olive into a commercial product of some kind. Pulp and pits Only

Por |2023-09-12T08:27:34+00:00febrero 12th, 2023|blog, News|Sin comentarios

UP4HEALTH holds its 5th General Assembly meeting

UP4HEALTH holds its first in person meeting during the project’s 5th General Assembly Meeting in Puente La Reina (Spain) At last! We finally met in person after 2 years of remote project work. It was really worth the travelling from different countries to gather together at the lovely town of Puente La Reina (Navarra,

Por |2023-01-16T11:01:35+00:00enero 16th, 2023|Meeting, News|Sin comentarios

CONTACTICA presented some processes from Up4Health project in the Spanish television

Circular economy is key towards a more efficient and ecological food production system. As you already know, at Up4Health we are pursuing good quality functional ingredients to be part of the food chain. Ingredients that can enhance the final products’ quality or improve their performance in some aspects. Part of the research is being

Por |2023-09-12T08:03:29+00:00noviembre 4th, 2022|blog, News|Sin comentarios

Maame Ekua Manful is part of the EC initiative #ShEULeads

This new initiative by the European Commissio started last March 8th 2022. It was launched by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth #SHEULeads is a social media campaign dedicated to women and girls, which aims to highlight the work of women under 30 who are making a difference

Por |2023-09-12T08:03:35+00:00octubre 25th, 2022|blog, News|Sin comentarios

4th General Assembly meeting

UP4HEALTH celebrated its 4th General Assembly with an online meeting gathering the members of the consortium Our team reunited again! We held an online meeting with the objective of assessing the last months and preparing for the next ones. Our partners ISANATUR and Contactica organised the agenda of the day, which consisted of

Por |2023-09-12T08:03:42+00:00julio 18th, 2022|blog, Meeting, News|Sin comentarios


Our project coordinator presented and discussed some facts and preliminary results at #EUBCE22 Conference Last week the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition took place through an online format. It was quite interesting listening to all the experts presenting relevant topics about this subject. Furthermore, wee had the opportunity to see our project coordinator,

Por |2022-10-24T12:45:39+00:00mayo 23rd, 2022|Conference, News|Sin comentarios

UP4HEALTH 2nd General Assembly meeting

On the 16th of June, we have our 2nd General Assembly meeting. Due to the pandemic situation, the General Assembly meeting was held online, with the attendance of all the project partners. In this meeting, we discussed and explained the work carried out during the first 12 months of the project. Besides, the

Por |2021-08-19T08:10:49+00:00agosto 19th, 2021|Meeting, News|Sin comentarios
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